Thursday, 24 April 2014


Unsure if I want to tackle a titan like this? Coca-Cola is huge and well established, it's obvious they will never actually try to change their packaging because it's just at a point now where people pick it up based off it's traditional packaging. It's one of the biggest brands and it's packaging gets copied. So it would be fun just to try and switch it up to send a message give it truly unique packaging and see if anyone copies it.

Here on the two red ones, you can see they use the same text, the same shade of red as they do on all their full far products, or the regular ones. This is pretty much where it started and is the one I'm really tempted to change up and see how people react.

They change up their Diet Coke can which I can't say I've ever really noticed! I always thought it was the same til I just stopped and looked now which I guess says what I'm doing quite a lot, I've been drinking coke because and never actually realised the Diet can is completely different to the regular.

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