Saturday, 24 May 2014

Reinforced Origami container test.

This was a follow up test to the first origami water balloon, same concept applied,all the same folds, everything is the same bar the sellotape I used to hold the seams shut. From my previous throw I pretty much realized the flat surfaces were strong enough and could tale the force, the folds and the corners were what let it down, the bits that broke. Took that in mind, put sellotape over all those bits and made the beast below.

 Just another angle on the reinforced water bomb so you can better see the sellotape.

This was it filled up completely. Absolutely full because from feeling it I actually had quite a lot of confidence in how much it could hold.

This is the video of the initial throw, where it actually looks like it was unsuccessful, there is water coming out and I was actually really quite surprised by the result.

 This here is the second video showing that actually the water bomb hadn't broke at all. The sellotape had come off the hole on the top which was keeping it all in, and the water was just leaking out the hole which you filled it up through. This may seem like a failed test but actually this showed me that the paper withstood the impact of being thrown to the floor and managed to retain it's contents.

One final shot of the water bomb to show that actually it is intact, this also shows the opening where the water come out. But yeah, overall this was a very useful and actually pretty fun test!

I will need to experiment with some more materials though, see what else could potentially hold the egg.

The big Origami container test.

This was actually a test for Waterbombs. I remembered these from ages ago when I was in school, used to make them in Science and definitely as part of the lesson.. But my main interest was the fact they held water well and were made from paper, so I got out the cartridge paper and went for it made an A1 version, filled it with water and gave it a test.

This is just the design before you bow air into the hole to inflate the "Balloon".

Me Ben and Liam filling it up to see how it went, unfortunately pretty sure we over filled it because it actually started to leak in one corner. Bad sign for paper but we did load it pretty full so I went ahead with testing it.

Origami Container 1

This is the first type of origami used to see just how much water a simple piece of A1 cartridge paper could hold, I followed a video (which I believe is here on my blog?) to make it and then tested it out by filling it up with water, just by doubling up the paper through folding it, and turning it into the shape it is. It managed to hold a lot of water.. Like pretty much almost full? Surprised me but made me move on to slightly more carton-ish shapes.

 These are just showing the "Cup" in all of it's A1 glory, it was actually pretty big and sturdy which was surprised to say it came from a piece of paper.

 Few pictures of Liam holding it once we filled it up with water, no leaks, no nothing. It held up to the test and let me know that paper could hold water in when correctly used.

This has pretty much enabled me to want to go on to trying new things with paper to see just how it works, it's definitely more eco friendly, it's actually quite aesthetically pleasing in some ways. So I do want to push further with it!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Origami WATER BOMB - (Purely educational)

This is just another video showing how to make an origami water bomb. Not taken this because it's a water bomb, but because it's a cube. This is a cube made out of paper, that does a perfectly good job of holding in water. So really this video here is living proof that even something as soluble as water can hold water at least for a limited time, I just have to find a way to take this and make it stronger/more durable.

Paper cup

Included this because I'm about to start looking into how slightly more eco friendly materials can do when trying to hold in water, This is a pretty quick example show how something very soluble and rather thin, can be folded and manipulated to be able to hold water quite easily. I will probably post my own attempts and successes/failures here later!

Monday, 12 May 2014

Tic Tacs - Simplicity again

Rebranding for Tic Tacs (Well an unofficial one anyway) but it show cases simplicity and effective use of type, plus the use of colour from the product to make the product look a little simple but very appealing and.. aesthetically pleasing?

Taking Photos from here once I get home.


Simplicity again.

Just another example here of how simplicity can do great things for packaging. All these packets look really professional, really appealing and give a clear example of what the product is inside the wrapper. I can't upload images because I can't save them on the college computers but here is the behance link so I can do it at home.


PĂ©rouges Springtime Festival - Poster design


Putting this here so I can take some images from it later, it's basically something which looks pretty much completely digital but is actually made from paper with scissors and a pritt stick? it's a little strange but I think it looks cool.

3D Design, Red skull car.

I put this in here as an example of 3D, this is the car for Marvel's Captain America that Red Skull drives. I was going to put in a lot of the concept images taken from Behance but College computers won't let me. Sooo.. 
But I put this because it's a great example of 3D and thing which is something I am aspiring too plus I just find it interesting.

RMB - HSBC Advert

I've banged this in, just because it's a really nice thing to look at quite simply. It's some really nice type and type is something I want to get as much influence as I can for when I come to working out how I'm going to rebrand/repackage the products I choose. This was created by a graphic design agency called GREY London.


Sunday, 11 May 2014

Some Vegan stuff?

Against a simple use of Type, combined with the colours that can natural from many different fruits,veg and roots has managed to made a simple yet effective package. Honestly the reason I included this was because The packaging really is extremely simple, It's a clear bottle that just utilises the natural colour of products to make the bottles look great. Without the actually contents the bottles would probably look a little bit stupid.

Mr Milk Branding

This is brand poster and packaging example for a product called Mr Milk? Again it's just a pretty nice use of a 3D effect which always has a soft spot in my heart. But yeah, this again is pretty much an example of how simplicity really can be a great way to go about packaging, There is barely anything on the Bottle but it actually looks great.

Pure Packaging

This is packaging for some products called Pure? I just like these because they have little illustrations on them that are generally quite pleasant. Aside from the illustrations the bottles/boxes tend to actually just looks pretty "Pure" so I think the packaging really does suit the name of the brand! 

Lager cans.

Now these aren't particularly create examples of nice packaging. BUT. I put these in because they aren't actually cans.. They are 3D, made in C4D but actually all look like cans? I'm not expecting to be able to make anything close to this but wouldn't mind trying mock up packaging within the 3D software I have.

Sunshine Drinks.

Put these up just because of the interesting use of Type, honestly I'm pretty sure my final piece is probably going to have a fair amount of it on as it's something I'm passionate about, whether this would work for a drink like Coke or Sprite? Who knows but I will be testing it!

 Just a picture to show three cans of this together. Really, do like these.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Cadburys Branding.

Honeslty I've put this here for my Sketchbook. Found it on Behance, it's different emblems/icons done for Cadburys that depict the different flavours.