This was a follow up test to the first origami water balloon, same concept applied,all the same folds, everything is the same bar the sellotape I used to hold the seams shut. From my previous throw I pretty much realized the flat surfaces were strong enough and could tale the force, the folds and the corners were what let it down, the bits that broke. Took that in mind, put sellotape over all those bits and made the beast below.
Just another angle on the reinforced water bomb so you can better see the sellotape.
This was it filled up completely. Absolutely full because from feeling it I actually had quite a lot of confidence in how much it could hold.
This is the video of the initial throw, where it actually looks like it was unsuccessful, there is water coming out and I was actually really quite surprised by the result.
This here is the second video showing that actually the water bomb hadn't broke at all. The sellotape had come off the hole on the top which was keeping it all in, and the water was just leaking out the hole which you filled it up through. This may seem like a failed test but actually this showed me that the paper withstood the impact of being thrown to the floor and managed to retain it's contents.
One final shot of the water bomb to show that actually it is intact, this also shows the opening where the water come out. But yeah, overall this was a very useful and actually pretty fun test!
I will need to experiment with some more materials though, see what else could potentially hold the egg.