Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Ironman - Typography

Just finished another bit of type, this time based around Ironman. Gooood stuff.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Typography face - My own go.

Light Sabers?!

Pretty sure people already do packaging for Light Sabers, Fake ones that is. What if we had real light sabers? Would they be branded like basically every product of today and just made to look generic and boring? An outstanding product just turned plain.

Break from the research.Typography!

Just found this.. I absolute loved it and I'm more then likely going to make something along these lines for my Portfolio, a big A3 sheet just to put another one in there. Why not eh?

I already started doing something like this a while back with some film posters and things, Also using comic sans just to see how many people noticed.. that's here.


Now this.. could be fun. It's a remote.. a slightly special one at that but still relates to a lot of products in our world. I could still include a lot of slogans and things to make the product sound impressive, show off what it does but then just package it like people choose to package things now.

Harry Potter

Harry Potter, the invisibility cloak. This is a pretty damn outlandish product and could be marketed with someone slightly.. perverse? uses. But playing down this product and putting it into packing like we use in todays market would be could the effort. Something that might help to open peoples eyes as to just how boring our packing is.

The one ring?

Again another kind of otherworldy thing, something that doesn't exist that I could bring into our world and make it look quite simply. Slightly mundane and unimportant.

The golden Compass?

So with the Idea of bringing a project from a film and pulling it into our world and packaging it along the lines of how we do ours. It isn't easy trying to find something. I want it to be something ridiculous, something over the top and something that I can make look quite simply.. a little bland to make a point out of todays packaging.

Sketch book work.

Been filling out a sketchbook. Starting to really enjoy this way of going through projects. I could really do with a colour printer though as printing is becoming a massive pain in my arse whenever I need to put something in there.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Harry Potter.

This is a product list for Harry Potter. Just posting here as reference so I can go back and grab some things from it for my sketch book.  It's a list of Joke Products, Some sweets and a few other things that I have been looking for...


Concept Art from Lord of the Rings

I realise noone really had to do any product design for Lord of the Rings, it's an old world where they didn't have supermarkets or shops that sold anything other then raw materials and vegetables. But they did have to design places, people and weapons and I'm just looking into the art they had whilst designing different things like that to help me work out how to go about mine.

 This is the house of the elves, a set design done won't quite be going this big simply because I can't draw as well as the people who do this stuff.
A set of armour and a weapon design done, I really liked this because of how it been broken down and enlarged to show some of the details and pieces that you couldn't see in the full picture.